Scenting Success: Setting Intentions for the New Year with Essential Oils

0 03/01/2024 - ESSENTIAL OILS, Holidays, HOME, Mindfulness, Using Essential Oils, WELLNESS, YL Lifestyle, YOUNG LIVING

As the calendar turns the page to a new year, many of us use this as an opportunity for self-reflection and goal setting. Setting intentions for the New Year goes beyond the typical resolutions; it’s about aligning your aspirations with your core values and fostering a mindset for success and happiness. In this blog, we’ll explore the profound connection between aromas and intention-setting, delving into the power of essential oils in this process.

Image of a woman writing in her journal by the window.



The Power of Intentions

First, let’s distinguish between resolutions and intentions. Resolutions often focus on specific outcomes, while intentions are rooted in the present moment, emphasising the journey rather than the destination. Setting positive and mindful intentions is crucial for personal growth and well-being.

Scents have a remarkable ability to influence our mood and mindset. Essential oils possess unique aromatic profiles that can evoke different emotions and feelings. Lovers of essential oils often reach for oils such as Lavender and Chamomile when they are looking to evoke calming feelings. Alternatively, they may pick up Peppermint or Black Spruce when needing a boost of motivation. This is where the synergy between intention-setting and essential oils come into play.

Image of a woman inhaling Peppermint essential oil.



Goal Setting with Essential Oils

Begin your intention-setting journey by reflecting on the past year’s accomplishments and challenges. Acknowledge the lessons learned and use them to shape your intentions for the coming year. Identifying your core values is equally fundamental to setting meaningful intentions. Align your aspirations with your values and consider incorporating essential oil blends that resonate with these principles. For instance, Original Valor®, a popular Young Living blend, can be your go-to if courage and strength are central to your intentions.

Image of Original Valor(R) essential oil blend.



The Ritual of Intention-Setting

Now, let’s discuss mindful practices that can enhance the intention-setting process. Incorporating activities like meditation or journaling with essential oils can deepen you connection to your goals. If tapping into your highest potential is your aim, keep Young Living’s Highest Potential blend close by as you meditate. If you wish to attract abundance into your life, gently inhale Abundance essential oil blend as you write out your thoughts and feelings in your journal.

Creating a vision board is a visually powerful way to represent and remind yourself of your goals. As you craft your vision board with symbols, words and images representing your goals, infusing the surrounding space with the scent of purpose-aligned essential oils adds a powerful olfactory dimension. This multisensory approach makes your vision board not only visually compelling but also emotionally resonant, fostering a more profound and lasting impact on your intention-setting process.

Image of a woman crafting a vision board.



Committing to Your Intentions

To reinforce your intentions daily, establish rituals that serve as reminders. Place your vision board in a prominent location or take a photo and set it as your phone’s lock screen image to serve as a daily reminder. Additionally, consider sharing your intentions with a friend or joining a community for mutual support and accountability.

Here at Young Living, we host events for our community throughout the year where individuals can share experiences and find inspiration. Whether you’re seeking encouragement or want to celebrate milestones, being part of a like-minded community can significantly contribute to your success.

Image of women laughing together.



As you embark on this journey of intention-setting, let the transformative power of aromas guide you. Young Living essential oils are not just aromatic treasures; they’re companions on your path to success and personal fulfilment. Happy intention-setting!


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