Discover YL: Your Meeting, Your Momentum!
Host a meeting, earn credit, and use it towards your YL products and business materials!
Become a leader with the new "Seed to Success" business system, share the Young Living lifestyle, and grow your community while expanding your business. Host a "Discover YL" meeting between February and April and earn €25 each month you meet the criteria. Whether you host one or multiple meetings, your journey to building momentum starts here!
Incentive Qualification Criteria
To receive a €25 credit*, you will need to:
- Host a “Discover YL” meeting between February and April to introduce others to the YL lifestyle and business opportunities.
- Take a photo of your meeting that includes the following elements:
- At least 5 attendees.
- A piece of paper displaying the hashtag #DiscoverYL and the date of the meeting.
- A visible display of Young Living products, business materials, or resources.
- Enrol at least one new Young Living Brand Partner with a minimum order of 100 PV (on either a Loyalty Rewards or One-Time order) within three calendar days following your “Discover YL” meeting.
- Share your photo with us here at within three calendar days following your “Discover YL" meeting.
*Following the criteria above, you can earn a maximum of 25 euros in credit each month from February to April. The potential earnings for this incentive are 75 euros if the qualification criteria are achieved each month.
What is a “Discover YL” meeting?
A “Discover YL” meeting is a presentation showing Young Living’s history, values, and products, as well as our business opportunities. This deck helps new Brand Partners, and any curious individuals understand the benefits of joining YL community and using our products.
During “Discover YL” meeting Brand Partners use Power Point presentation or Make a Shift leaflet, booklet, workbook as well as YL products/samples to present YL portfolio of products and business opportunities.