May Workshop Calendar

Corporate Workshops

9/5 (Thu)

Savvy Minerals Natural Make up Party (Cantonese)
Speaker: Santina Wong, Senior Product Trainer
Savvy Minerals by Young Living will bring you a natural and toxin-free makeup experience to let you highlight your confidence without compromise. Come and join the Workshop to understand more! Workshop content as below:
- Introduce the features and advantage of Savvy Minerals
- Colour matching tutorial to let you understand how to choose the suitable foundation colour for yourselves
- How to build business with Savvy Minerals
- Gold leader Ming Chun will demonstrate and share the usage tips of Savvy Minerals
*Please bring your own make up brush set and mirror

20/5 (Mon)

Basic Member Conduct workshop (Cantonese)
Speaker: Charlotte Szeto, Compliance Officer
There are various ways and materials to promote Young Living products and business. Not sure whether the materials and methods you are using are in member compliance of Young Living? In this workshop, we will share with you the latest Young Living policies and procedures and tips. Likewise, there will be a Q&A session to answer any related to member conduct questions!

23/5 (Thu)

YL Basic School: Discovery of YL Supplements (Cantonese)
Speaker: Santina Wong, Senior Product Trainer
According to some scientific literatures, nutritional supplements are increasingly important in the modern society. Compared with the variety of supplements on the market, what are the special features and comparative advantages of YL's supplements? Come and learn the basic nutrition knowledge and YL product features!

30/5 (Thu)

Wellness Essentials: Raindrop Technique Demonstration (Cantonese)
Speaker: Santina Wong, Senior Product Trainer
Young Living’s proprietary Raindrop Technique® combines unique, targeted massage and energy approaches with pure, authentic essential oils for a deeply harmonizing, rejuvenating, and relaxing experience. The technique, developed by Young Living Founder D. Gary Young, draws from his experience with Lakota wellness traditions and provides a revolutionary means of nurturing harmony—physically, mentally, and emotionally. In this workshop, you will witness and learn our signature process which involves seven essential oils, two essential blends and two massage oils included in the Raindrop Technique Collection.

Workshops hosted by YL Members

6/5 (Mon)

[考試孖寶] DIY工作坊 ( Cantonese)
Speaker: Winnie Cheung & Brenda Fong, Silver & Executive
考試又快到, 讀書和考試難免是一種壓力, 適度的壓力有助於學習,但過度則帶來反效果。作為精油媽媽們,不妨用芳療幫助小朋友減壓。 今次‪我地會教大家造一些DIY軟膏,其中1款可幫助小朋友集中主意力&提昇温習效率,另一款可減少焦慮及減輕壓力感,優化睡眠質素。
費用: ‪$100 (包所有精油及材料), 完成後可獲得2份x12g 製成品
頭療。行氣活血 ( Cantonese)
Speaker: Kady Luo, Distributor
Detox AromaYoga (English)
Speaker: Tammy Kwok, Executive
In this workshop includes a 50-min practice of movements with essential oils; and 30-min of your experience sharing and Q&A. Please bring (1) your own yoga mat or a big towel for your to lie down and sit on; (2) Peppermint, DiGize, Frankincense, Forgiveness, Peace & Calming; (3) Wear comfortable clothing. Tammy is a yoga instructor with 500 hours of Hatha yoga training and 40 hours of AromaYoga training (developed by Ms Tracy Griffiths).

7/5 (Tue)

Aroma Yoga and Singing bowl ( Cantonese)
Speaker: Yasoda Yiu, Distributor
Yasoda畢業於International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres,學習此校所教授的傳統瑜珈,更獲得該校200小時認證。其後致力於宣揚傳統瑜珈對身、心、靈的好處。
費用: $60 (包括一支DIY按摩油材料)

8/5 (Wed)

頭療。肝膽相照 ( Cantonese)
Speaker: Kady Luo, Distributor

14/5 (Tue)

我今日Life9咗啦! ( Cantonese)
Speaker: Tammy Kwok, Executive
我自從2018年9月份清走了宿便之後,我便知道要照顧排便的情況。Life 9, DiGize還有他精油已經成為我的好幫手。講者Tammy注重保健,她是一位瑜珈導師,博域家庭系統輔導員和YL愛好者。
北極光農埸體驗 ( Cantonese)
Speaker: Angela Wong, Platinum
你有想過Young Living的黑雲杉精油為何會跟北極光相提並論?他們有着什麼樣的關係?這支精油又有什麼過人之處?透過今年四月在農場冬季收割的親身體驗,我們將會為大家逐一分享。想了解這支精油的製作過程及背後故事,便千其不要錯過!

15/5 (Wed)

護甲護髪配方分享+DIY指緣油 ( Cantonese)
Speaker: Emily Cheng & Heyley Kwan, Platinum & Silver

16/5 (Thu)

溝溝樂體驗工作坊 ( C antonese)
Speaker: Lina Tau, Executive
大家都知道高級入門套裝的11支精油用途非常廣泛。這次, Lina 會教大家 , 加上其他YoungLiving產品一起靈活運用; 只要簡單的 mix & match, 大部分的家居和美容用品 都可以自家製作,締造天然有機的健康生活。
Aroma Yoga and Singing bowl ( C antonese)
Speaker: Yasoda Yiu, Distributor
Yasoda畢業於International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres,學習此校所教授的傳統瑜珈,更獲得該校200小時認證。其後致力於宣揚傳統瑜珈對身、心、靈的好處。
費用: $60 (包括一支DIY按摩油材料)

20/5 (Mon)

音叉配合七脈輪調頻 ( C antonese)
Speaker: Tammy Li, Gold

21/5 (Tue)

Bible Oil, witnessing God's love on us! ( C antonese)
Speaker: Catherine Leung, Silver
Total Transformation
姊妹們聚一聚講䕶膚 ( C antonese)
Speaker: Tammy Kwok, Executive
講者Tammy Kwok 以女性角度去分享生活中所用的精油。Tammy注重保健,她是一位瑜珈導師,一位博域家庭系統的輔導員和YL愛好者。
常用保健精油介紹 DIY 乾花精油Roll-On ( C antonese)
Speaker: Shirley Li, Silver
費用: $100
製成品: DIY 15ml滾珠精油Roll-on 3支 (配合精油及天然乾花,做出不同組合的滾珠精油Roll-on) (包材料及工具)

22/5 (Wed)

如何提升小朋友專注力 + DIY專心精油 ( C antonese)
Speaker: Catherine Lai & Emily Cheng, Platinum
研究證明精油有穩定情緒、幫助學習之用。IFA香薰治療師會分享她如何照顧及幫助她的子女提升專注力, 亦會分享她的育兒心得! 不容錯過

23/5 (Thu)

溝溝樂體驗工作坊 ( C antonese)
Speaker: Lina Tau, Executive
大家都知道高級入門套裝的11支精油用途非常廣泛。這次, Lina 會教大家 , 加上其他YoungLiving產品一起靈活運用; 只要簡單的 mix & match, 大部分的家居和美容用品 都可以自家製作,締造天然有機的健康生活。
Lina 亦會教大家利用高級入門套裝的精油,再加上一些簡單材料,讓大家親身體驗DIY。

24/5 (Thu)

Premium Starter Kit用途多多,你又懂幾多? ( C antonese)
Speaker: Joselyn fung (IFA, NAHA,CITAC) & Cat Fung (IFA, NAHA,CITAC)
一次過認識Premium Starter Kit的多種用途。

27/5 (Mon)

高級入門套裝 + DIY 擴香石 ( C antonese)
Speaker: Fiona Lui & Stephanie Wong, Royal Crown Diamond & Silver

28/5 (Tue)

避免「清潔劑後群症」 ( C antonese)
Speaker: Fiona Chan & Alice Law, Silver & Sliver
本工作坊給你全新的清潔家居貼士, 一起 DIY 萬用清潔噴霧及去污粉。

30/5 (Thu)

健康產後修身 + DIY肚腩按摩油 ( C antonese)
Speaker: Catherine LAI 國際香薰治療師 (IFA, IAMMA) & Joyce MUI (天然養生及健康瘦身達人)
懷孕期間令您重左好多?生完之後個肚望落好似未生咁?點樣先可以減磅瘦身? 等我地同您分享一下我地點減!

31/5 (Fri)

Raindrop 理論及示範 ( C antonese)
Speaker: Fiona Lui & Stephanie Wong, Royal Crown Diamond & Silver
Raindrop 是 Young Living 的獨門精油按摩手法,透過雨滴手法調整脊椎、心情和抵抗力。
本工作坊將一步一步示範如何進行脊椎和腳底雨滴, 將大家在家中都可以讓家人身心健康。
PS. 請自備飲用水, 毛巾