Home/Bath & Beauty
  • Wellness to Believe In: 6 seasonal DIYs to share

Wellness to Believe In: 6 seasonal DIYs to share

Much more than bright lights and beautiful gifts, the holidays are a time when belief breathes new life into the season, and hearts beat full of cheer. When an energy of hope sets hearts aglow with small acts of goodness and love. Together in laughter and joy, fill each day with giving, not only gifts, [...]

  • 6 Self-Care Essentials

Spark the Wellness Within with 6 Self-Care Essentials

Self-care.  Buzzword? Maybe. But there’s something to it. Self-care comes in many forms. Running a bath, going for a walk or taking quiet moments alone to decompress are all acts of self-care. It’s anything that you do for you, to  enhance your wellness. Sometimes you don’t have time to spare. But  creating space in your [...]

2020-04-14T11:45:56-07:00November 1st, 2019|Bath & Beauty, Body Care, DIY, Infographics, Skin Care|0 Comments
  • carrier oils for essential oils featured image

A Guide to Carrier Oils for Essential Oils

From grapeseed to jojoba, you can pretty much find a different carrier oil for every skin treatment. Carrier oils play an important role in applying essential oils topically to skin. They each have unique properties and benefits. Let’s take a closer look at carrier oils and why anyone who uses and loves essential oils should [...]

2022-04-12T09:44:13-07:00October 4th, 2019|Bath & Beauty|0 Comments

6 Self-Care Habits & Essentials You’ll Love

Self-care is not a luxury. It’s a necessity. If you’re on the beginning of your journey to intentional living, the first steps in that journey begin with self-care. While it may feel more natural to focus on taking care of others before taking care of yourself, your well-being and the attention you give yourself matters. [...]

A season of harvest, wellness and gratitude

Fall brings special moments to enjoy with family and friends, whether it’s roaming through a pumpkin patch, exploring the farmer’s market or jumping into piles of fallen leaves. Gather around the dinner table or share in the vibrancy of the season and celebrate our healthy roots. In the spirit of gratitude and tradition, find joy [...]

Jump into fall with 5 routine boosting tips

Goodbye summer, hello autumn. Welcome the cool, crisp air of fall and refreshed routines. Back to school, work and busy schedules can leave many longing for the carefree feelings of summer, but autumn brings excitement for new opportunities to grow and achieve bold goals. Stay energized and poised as the season of hustle and bustle [...]

2020-04-15T14:06:55-07:00September 1st, 2018|Diffuser Blends, Infographics, Skin Care|0 Comments

5 healthy habits from dawn to dusk

From the moment the morning alarm goes off until the last of the kids are tucked in bed, finding time to focus on healthy choices can seem impossible. While ‘busy’ isn’t going away, it doesn’t mean health and wellness needs to be sacrificed. The key is starting small. Focus on adopting simple behaviours. Over time, [...]