Alive & Thrive

Enrollment Set

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who can purchase the Alive and Thrive Enrollment Set?

Only Philippine new enrollees can purchase the set. New enrollees are those who are signing up for the first time or those who have been inactive for more than 24 months.

2. When can I purchase the Alive and Thrive Enrollment Set?

New enrollees can purchase the Alive and Thrive Enrollment Set from July 13 until supplies last.

3. Can I enroll on Essential Rewards (ER) when I purchase the Alive and Thrive Enrollment Set?

Yes, as the set is 110 PV, new enrollees can already enroll on Essential Rewards and count it as their first ER Order.

4. How come this enrollment set does not allow the enroller to get the Starter Kit and the ER enrollment bonus?

For an enroller to qualify for the Starter Kit and ER Enrollment bonus, the enrollee must have purchased a Premium Starter Kit (PSK). The Alive and Thrive Enrollment Set is, however, not a PSK but is a limited-edition product bundle.

5. Will I also receive the Love It? Share It! Cards and Oil Bottles, and Aroma Glide Fitment?

No, the set only includes: DewDrop Diffuser version 2, Thyme EO 15ml, Peppermint EO 15ml, Thieves EO 15ml, R.C EO 15ml, and Product Guide. The set will not come in a box.

6. Where can I purchase the Alive and Thrive Enrollment Set?

Upon enrollment in the virtual office, it will be available under the “Specialty Kits” tab.

7. Can I pick up my Alive and Thrive Enrollment Set at the Experience Center?

With the Community Quarantine, pick up of orders from the Experience Center is not an option. This will be available again once our operation is back to normal.