12th Month Loyalty Gift

Thank you for a year of being a loyal Essential Rewards member!

Qualified members will be receiving their 12th month Loyalty gift - Loyalty essential oil blend with their next ER order. This blend was formulated by D. Gary Young specifically for ER members!

Loyalty Essential Oil Blend

Loyalty essential oil blend was formulated by Founder of Young Living and father of the modern-day essential oils movement D. Gary Young specifically to reward members who have demonstrated their commitment to Young Living’s Essential Rewards (ER) subscription program.

Loyalty includes some of the most luxurious and valuable oils that Young Living offers, including Rose, Sacred Sandalwood, and Sacred Frankincense. This combination represents how much we value members who use our products to infuse their lives with wellness, purpose, and abundance.

The scents of Ylang Ylang, Lavender, and Geranium essential oils in the Loyalty blend help create a pleasant, relaxing environment, while Idaho Blue Spruce and Vetiver help support a sense of grounding. Combined, the oils in this blend create an aroma that encourages members to be interconnected with one another and inspires an environment of thoughtful intention for building relationships.