• Essential Oils for Homework

Essential Oils for Homework

No more zoning out when it’s time to do homework. Help your kids stay at the top of the class with these Essential Oils! Try diffusing them while your kids are studying or doing homework to create a focused, balanced atmosphere that is supportive of concentration and staying on task. You can also apply these oils topically to the base of the skull, along the feet, or make your own roller that you can send with your kids to school. (Make sure to dilute with a carrier oil like V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex when applying on young children.)

2021-04-04T04:42:42+08:00September 25th, 2019|A Drop of Inspiration, At Home, E.O. Tips, Kids|0 Comments
  • Must-have essential oils

Top 10 must-have oils!

It’s no secret: The scent of an Essential Oil can create waves of nostalgia or help you tap into emotions, and when some Essential Oils are taken internally, they can even improve overall health and wellness! With so many Essential Oils available, how do you choose which ones to add to your collection? While we’d love having every Essential Oil within arm’s reach, there are some you should always have on hand! See why these oils made our top 10 line up!

2021-04-04T04:29:32+08:00September 11th, 2019|At Home, Beauty& Makeup, E.O. Tips|0 Comments
  • Yoga Office

Sit-Down, Sweat-Free Aroma Yoga

From stimulating and invigorating the body and mind to staying relaxed during chaotic times, yoga is a go-to for meditation and fitness. With this Aroma Yoga chair sequence, you can clear your mind, fine-tune your focus, and get energy flowing anytime of the day. Start by choosing your favorite essential oil whose aroma will set the mood for your practice.

2020-03-28T03:24:53+08:00August 6th, 2019|At Home, E.O. Tips, Uncategorized|0 Comments