• Essential Oils for Massage

18 Best Essential Oils For Massage

Did you know a simple massage can help beat stress, soothe tired muscles, and boost your mood at the same time? It’s true! And we’ve got studies to back it up. According to the Australian Psychological Society, (National Research Survey: Stress and Wellbeing in Australia).   Basically, adding massage to your self-care regimen can decrease [...]

2020-07-09T18:26:04-06:00July 29th, 2019|At Home, Essential Oils|0 Comments
  • Thieves fruit and veggie soak

Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak

NEW Thieves® Fruit & Veggie Soak contains Thieves, Purification, and DiGize to safely and effectively clean your produce. Just add 1½ teaspoons for every litre of water. Completely cover produce and soak for 1-2 minutes and rinse with clean water. Photo Credit: Sara Stephens & Jasmine Green

2020-06-24T11:28:48-06:00April 16th, 2019|At Home|0 Comments
  • KidScents Essential OIls

4 Essential Oils Made for Kids

Whether you’re an experienced oil user or new to essential oils, the Young Living KidScents® Oils have been designed so they are safe to use on kids. Formulated specifically for developing minds, bodies and emotions. Our celebrity brand ambassador, Laura Csortan, former Miss Australia, Model and TV Presenter loves the KidScents® Oils, as they are [...]

2020-07-09T18:00:01-06:00March 26th, 2019|Babies and Kids, Essential Oils|0 Comments
  • Chef Kate salmon Poke Bowl Receipe infused with lemon Essential Oils

Salmon Poke Bowl Recipe by Chef Kate

As the weather heats up this is the perfect cool dish! It's fresh and there's no cooking involved unless you choose to lightly steam some of the veggies. You can make the bowls ahead and add the salmon and dressing right before serving, remember to leave space for the salmon in the bowl. Chef Kate’s [...]

2020-06-29T17:27:04-06:00November 12th, 2018|Culinary Oils, Recipes|0 Comments