Quick Exercise Tips for Your Everyday Routine

Work, household chores, errands, playtime, dinner, laundry—with so many things to do and not many hours in the day, finding time to exercise is difficult. To help you fit in the physical activity your body craves, we’ve rounded up some simple, quick workout routines you can fit into your daily schedule. With these fast exercise ideas, you’ll be able to stay moving even when you don’t have time to hit the gym.

“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” –John C. Maxwell

Sleeping Beauty Leg Exercise

Wake up and warm up with this in-bed exercise! Lie on your back and lift your legs about 6 inches off the bed. Keep your abs tights, back flat, feet together, arms to your sides, and knees straight as you use your feet to draw small circles in the air without touching the bed. Do 20 circles clockwise and 20 circles counterclockwise.

(Calf) Raise the Bar

Brush up on your calf raises while you brush your teeth! Start flat-footed and raise to your toes until you get a tight flex. Do 3 sets of 20 reps.

At-Work Workout

If you have a desk job, it’s important to get up and move at least every 2 hours. Do some standing stretches for your arms, neck, back, and legs; squat a few times; or walk around your floor or building. The movement helps your body and helps you clear your head and stay productive!

Traffic Jam Session

Stuck in 5 o’clock traffic? Turn up the radio and move to the beat. You’ll burn some extra calories and make the wait a little more fun. For an extra boost, add some ab, glute, or thigh flexing. Just make sure you keep an eye on the road and remember safety first!

In the Hot Seat

Start by sitting up straight. Squeeze your glute muscles and pulse 50 times. Rest for 5 seconds and repeat until you feel a good burn. Take your desk workout a step further and work your thighs too! Place your feet on the floor with your legs together. Press your knees in so you feel your inner thighs working. Pulse 50 times and repeat as desired.

Playtime Meets Gym Time

Make exercise fun for the kids! If you have a baby, hold a plank position on your hands for 30 seconds while your hover over him or her. Lower into a pushup and kiss your baby on the forehead. Come up and repeat as many times as you can. Give your legs some attention by doing wall sits as you read your children a book or review their homework.

Torch Calories—and Grime

Burn calories while you clean the carpet. Push the vacuum only as far as your arm extends and return it to your body without moving your feet. Switch arms every 5 minutes. This quick push-pull motion targets your arm muscles and burns up to 100 calories in 30 minutes! The heavier your vacuum, the more strengthening this exercise is. Use the same method of mopping and sweeping—you’ll burn up to 100 calories in 30 minutes while mopping and 100 calories in 45 minutes while sweeping. Burn a few extra calories and clean the baseboards too!

Burn Calories, Not Dinner

Take advantage of your downtime during dinner! Do some push-ups against the counter while the vegetables cook or jumping jacks while you wait for the water to boil. Do 3 sets of 20 reps of one or both exercises.

Walk Around the Block

There’s nothing wrong with sticking to the classics, and a walk around the block is fun for the whole family. Take your kids, spouse, or dog for a 10-minute walk around the neighborhood. This is a great after-dinner activity to beat a post-meal crash. Plus, you can spend time with your family and stay moving.

Sunset Salutations

Unwind after a long day with a few calming or rejuvenating yoga poses. Pair your practice with your favorite essential oils such as Frankincense, Lavender, or Stress Away™. Try some of our simple, sweat-free yoga poses to get started!

Bonus Tip

Remember to hydrate all day to make your moves most effective and keep your body healthy. Add Vitality™ oils to give your water an extra splash of flavor!



Congratulations to Anne D., our lucky giveaway winner! We truly appreciate everyone that shared their quick exercise tips to stay in shape!

What exercise tips help you feel the burn throughout the day? Share your suggestions below for a chance to win 15ml Frankincense, 15ml Stress Away, 15ml Lavender, and Pure Protein Complete Vanilla Spice (valued at $252.30).

Giveaway rules:

  • To enter, simply comment on this post.
  • Contest ends at 11:59 p.m., MT, on Thursday September 15th
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced on the blog on Friday September 16th.
  • Click here for official rules.

View Comments

  • I'm a big believer in keegles at stop lights. Women end up with bladder control issues in mid to late in life. With this exercise, I hope to delay any need of adult diapers!

  • Water water water! And since I don't like it I must use a drop of grapefruit or lime Vitality. Feel much better when hydrated.

  • All great suggestions! Thanks! What really works well for me is to bend my elbows, placing my forearms and palms along each side of an open door! Elbows are at shoulder height. Then I step a foot through the doorway and get a great stretch through the chest, upper back and shoulders. Breathe into those stiff areas. Don't forget the other side.

  • I just got this email today, so I am late repling but I love the office work out will need to try that as I have a habit of sitting there trying to get it all done for the company but not thinking of my own well being.

  • First, I have to keep track of my movements because if I don't then I'm less likely to move. So a great app makes that easier. I take the stairs in my building and walk all the aisles in the store for extra steps.

  • As a physical therapist, I always love to hear people incorporating active movement into their every day routines. One of my favorites is practicing one legged standing. Whether it's while you are brushing your teeth, waiting for the microwave to ding, or chatting on the phone, try standing on one leg with the other knee held high at hip height. When you get good at doing that with your eyes open, give it a try with eyes closed. If you feel challenged with this initially, try incorporating your favorite 'grounding' oil- you'll be amazed at the immediate change in your success.

  • Great tips, regardless of what phase you are in your life. If your a new mom, working professional, or empty nester who travels frequently - you can achieve exercise and balance. I bring my oils when I travel and it makes all the difference in the world. We all tend to forget that it's about creating what works for each of us, not about stressing to get to a class. Thanks for the post.

  • Don't forget to exercise your neck!! With all the hours we spend on electronic devices - laptops, tablets, and especially smartphones. All the texting we do, we are looking down and causing strain on our necks. There a couple good exercises to go for your neck that are easy to do at anytime like when you're watching television or in the minutes before going to sleep. Tilt your head by moving your right ear to right should and hold for a count of 15. Then look down like you're looking at a pocket on your shirt. Hold for a count of 15. Then repeat on the other side. You can also tuck your chin back and forth in a forward motion.

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