The Snooze Routine: Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep


Do you have a daily routine that makes getting to sleep a breeze?

Share your secret in the comments below!


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  • So loving these info graphic style images that I can share with my Young Living family in my office. Keep them coming Young Living.

  • 1 drop of Lavender on a cotton pad or ball and slip inside your pillow case! Sleep Essence very good for restless legs! Diffusing stress away and or cedarwood! Lavender rubbed on carotid arteries in neck and on feet settles me down too!! Spending time in prayer and meditating on the Word of God!!!

  • Beautiful and great info. Is it ok to post on open Facebook with people I know or just "Oilers"? Also can we purchase fliers of this?

    • Hi Bridget, thanks for stopping by! You're absolutely welcome to post this publicly on Facebook! We don't have fliers of this, unfortunately.

  • Beautiful and great information. Is it ok to share this on Open Facebook with people I know? Or just my little group of oilers?

  • I go to bed pretty late, and when I do I'm sleepy. But always have my diffuser filled with Cedarwood. For a few months I've been doing that faithfully, and I can truly tell a beautiful difference in the quality of my sleep...regardless of being a nite owl.

  • Diffuse Peace and Calming, Stress Away on the back of my neck and Lavender on my pillow. I sleep through the night!! Love my oils!!'

  • Before going to bed, I like to practice some yoga, meditate, and use Lavendar and Sandlewood on my feet. Warm socks and fresh linen always do the trick.

  • I love two things about this post, in particular:
    1) The Pinterest-friendly graphic (which I've noticed are showing up in your newer posts - thank you!), and
    2) Encouraging comments.
    As for my own "snooze routine," I've found that praying and meditating before bed help tremendously. I apply whatever nighttime oils I'm guided to, and then I pray, and then I meditate. It might only be 15 minutes, or it might be 30 minutes, and yet the length doesn't seem to matter so much as the quiet and the inner work.
    Peace and gratitude. <3

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