When you love essential oils, you want to share them with your whole family—including the newest members! Essential oils can be fantastic for young children and babies, but it’s important to use oils in a way that is safe for their sensitive systems. Here’s what you need to know about using the best essential oils in the nursery!


Essential oils aren’t just great for your baby! Check out this post for tips on helping your other kids—and yourself—have a great day!

Which oils do you use to comfort your little one?

Let us know in the comments!

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  • Hi Alice, The dilution ratio of 1/8 means one drop of YL essential oil, to every eight drops of a carrier oil. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Because Young Living’s products are not labeled to be used as drugs, they are not intended for use in the treatment or cure of disease or any abnormal function of the body, including ailments or injuries. Therefore, Young Living cannot provide advice or recommendation for products to address any type of disease, ailment, or injury.  We advise that you consult with a medical professional that has experience with Essential Oils on your specific issue. Thank you for stopping by!

  • Hi Dyvin, Because Young Living’s products are not labeled to be used as drugs, they are not intended for use in the treatment or cure of disease or any abnormal function of an animal’s body, including ailments or injuries for your animal. Therefore, Young Living cannot provide advice or recommendation for products/oils to address the flu or coughing. We advise that you consult with a pediatrician on your specific issue. As R.C. has multiple types of Eucalyptus in it, we would advise extreme caution as babies can be very sensitive to those oils, and a lot of dilution with the approval of a healthcare provider. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Hi Sharon, Anything less than the labeled amount could be considered fewer. However, if oils has not been introduced to the child yet, we would suggest, with the prior consent of a pediatric physician, starting with a single drop for diffusion for only an hour or two, and remain alert for any sensitivities before increasing the amount. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Hi Margret! Information regarding which oils cannot be used is based on their constituents, research information, etc. Our Claims Committee reviews all current scientific research to determine Product Safety for each product. Due to the extreme sensitivities of babies and that individual reactions will vary, we recommend always reviewing essential oils with your child's pediatrician prior to use for targeted advice. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Hi Annette! Gentle Baby™ was formulated to help calm and soothe. We recommend starting with diffusing a small amount of essential oil for short periods of time until you have determined if your children have any sensitivity to diffusing. Then we suggest using a patch test procedure prior to ensure the oil is properly diluted for the child. To perform a patch test, apply 1-2 drops of EO to a patch of skin such as the forearm. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Hi Anna! We would recommend first wearing them on you when your around your baby to help them get used to it. We would recommend not diffusing in their immediate proximity or for long periods of time without the prior consent of a pediatric physician. We also suggest diffusing a small amount of each essential oil blend you listed for short periods of time until you have determined if your children have any sensitivity to diffusing. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Hi Tandi! We would recommend not diffusing Eucalyptus in their immediate proximity or for long periods of time without the prior consent of a pediatric physician. We also suggest diffusing a small amount of any essential oil for short periods of time until you have determined if your children have any sensitivity to diffusing. Any additional concerns should be discussed with your children's Pediatrician. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Hi Lynnette, Because Young Living’s products are not labeled to be used as drugs, they are not intended for use in the treatment or cure of disease or any abnormal function of the body, including ailments or injuries. Therefore, Young Living cannot provide advice or recommendation for products to address any type of respiratory congestion. We advise that you consult with a pediatrician that has experience with Essential Oils on child's specific issue. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Hi Brittanny, We only recommend using fewer drops than you normally would, and to observe for any sensitivities that may arise with either of your children. We would also suggest checking with their Pediatrician to ensure optimal health. Thanks for stopping by!

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