Categories: Essential Oils

Essential Oil Spotlight: Blue Cypress

Are you familiar with Blue Cypress essential oil? Surprisingly, many of our members are not yet acquainted with this amazingly versatile oil. Let me introduce you!


Sometimes referred to as Blue Gold, Blue Cypress is a beautiful, cobalt blue and is the only naturally blue essential oil that comes from a tree. Other blue essential oils such as German Chamomile and Blue Tansy are from flowers. So distinctive and beloved is this tree’s aroma that it was chosen as the official fragrance of the Sydney 2000 Olympics.


Young Living’s Blue Cypress essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves and wood of the rare Northern Cypress Pine, native only to Australia’s Northern Territory. The scientific name of Blue Cypress, Callitris intratropica, is derived from the Greek calli (beautiful) and treis (three), which references the tree’s triangular leaves that are arranged in spirals of three.


Blue Cypress has been used for thousands of years by Australian aboriginal people in a variety of household and personal applications. Here are a few ways you can use Blue Cypress:


Support muscles. Blue Cypress is great to use post-workout. Just add a few drops to V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex, Ortho Ease® Massage Oil, or Ortho Sport® Massage Oil and rub it on muscles after physical workouts.


Moisturize skin. Blue Cypress has excellent beneficial properties for the skin. Use Blue Cypress alone or blend it with Sacred Frankincense, Lavender, and Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood essential oils and apply topically to hydrate the skin after time outside.


Soothe skin while shaving. Add a drop or two of Blue Cypress to shaving cream, soap, or aftershave to help prevent razor burn.


Use in household cleaning. Add Blue Cypress to Thieves® Household Cleaner for extra cleaning power or include it in a custom blend of Lemon and Clove essential oils mixed in water to create your own all-purpose cleaner for kitchens, bathrooms, desktops, and other surfaces.


In addition to these simple and effective uses, how do you use Blue Cypress essential oil?


—Heidi Jeanfreau, Young Living International and Portfolio Brand Manager

View Comments

  • In Essential Oil Desk Reference Blue Cypress is distilled for 24 hours as the last 18-20 constituents are released before the end of the 24 hour period. However I have read in other Young Living member sites that Vince who is the owner of the distillery in Darwin has stated that it is now distilled for 96 hours. My question; which distillation period is correct, or it was 24 hours but as time goes by and we become more experienced with the oils we love the distillation times have changed to produce a better quality oil. Is it distilled for 96 hours and why? If this new time is correct. Many thanks xx

    • Hi Ambar, As we did not publish nor do we carry the Desk Reference, we are unable to comment on its contents. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

  • Thank you for sharing your ideas, I love it and used it now as a perfume. I got lots of compliments.

  • Thanks for sharing this info. We had purchased it, but had not really "put the pedal to the metal" for it. Now we we give it a run and see what other uses we find for it. You gave us some great ideas. Again, thank you!

  • I actually have Blue Cypress and not sure why I got it. I think my daughter thought it sounded like something to try. Now I can put it to good use. I do like the scent its very light.

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