DIY Stain Remover with Essential Oils [Video]

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Got a stubborn stain that just won’t come out? DIY your own stain remover stick that’s supercharged with Thieves® Laundry Soap and Lemon essential oil and free from the harsh chemicals you don’t want around your family. You’ll love the citrus-spice smell as you gently remove stains.

Want to take these DIY stain removers to the next level? Print these customized deodorant container label and lip balm container label, cut them out, and apply them to your newly created DIY stain remover!

Want more DIYs? Check out our Homemade Body Butter Recipe and Good, Clean Fun: Naturally Derived DIY Bubble Bath blog posts.

What’s your favorite way to use essential oils in your laundry? Let us know in the comments!

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  • I saw somewhere you can put Thieves cleaner in a rollerball to make a stain stick. Is this true?

    • Hello Melissa. We can't recall ever making that recommendation, but if it is something you have tried with success, we will do our best to pass the knowledge on. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Thieves laundry detergent, 5 drops lemon oil, 5 drops of purification added to every load. Citrus Fresh & Purification on my four large wool dyer balls. Fresh, clean and chemical free!!!

  • Is the correct amount of laundry soap 1/2 cup like in the video or 2 tablespoon like in the recipe?

    • Hello Michelle. There was an issue with the original recipe (it was too hard for our taste) so the video is correct. The recipe is now accurate. Sorry for any confusion and have fun experimenting with this DIY.

  • My favorite way to use EOs in laundry is to add lemongrass to dryer balls ....clothes and room smell amazing!

  • Must it be solid Castile soap? If I use liquid Castile instead, will I be making a liquid version of the stain remover stick but I can still apply it as a liquid to stain?

    • Hello Joyce. We only tried it with the solid Castile soap, but you are free to experiment with the liquid version. However, it would change the texture of the strain remover stick. Let us know if you try it out and how it works. Thanks!

  • I love using Purification or Lavender essential oils on my wool dryer balls. I just started using the Thieves Laundry Soap and love it! I've also used Thieves Cleaner in the laundry for stubborn blueberry stains and it got them out in one wash!! Love our products!

    • Hello Susie. When you click on the green hyperlink, you can print it directly from there when you click on the print symbol in the upper right corner. You can print as many copies as you want from there. You can also copy the image and save it by right clicking the document. From there you can paste it into Word or another software and print. Hope that helps and thanks for stopping by!

    • Hello Gretchen. It depends on the size of the containers, but it should fill up two small deodorant containers. However, you have to fill them up rather quickly because the mixture hardens and solidifies fast. Thanks for stopping by with your question.

  • Would this work on dark colored clothes? Would the lemon eo not take out the color from the clothes?

    • Hello. When we originally tried the stain remover we used it on vibrant colors and it works excellent and didn't take out any of the colors from the clothes. We did not try it on black clothing, but we don't imagine it being a problem. However, please let us know if you encounter any problems. Thanks for commenting on our blog!

  • The video shows 1/2 cup Thieves Detergent but the ingredients underneath show 2 tablespoons of the Thieves Detergent. Which one is the right measurement? Thank you!!!

    • Hey Maria, sorry about this mistake. The video is correct and the recipe has since been fixed. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Thanks for stopping by and let us know how this stain stick turns out!

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