Create Your Own Spa Getaway with Homemade Shower Bombs

Create your own spa getaway with these easy-to-make DIY shower bombs! The next time you need a bit of rejuvenation, toss a shower bomb in the bottom of your shower and enjoy the wonderful scent or create a collection of these homemade shower bombs as a gift for someone you love.

  • 2 cups baking soda
  • 1 cup citric acid (available at health food stores or online)
  • 2 Tbsp. water
  • 30+ drops of your favorite aromatic essential oil (see our suggestions below)

Mix together the baking soda and citric acid in a medium-size bowl. In a separate small bowl or bottle, mix together water and essential oil. Slowly add the oil-water mixture a few drops at a time into your dry ingredients, stirring well after each addition (a stand mixer works well for this). When ingredients are thoroughly mixed, tightly pack into 2-inch balls using your hands, a stainless steel cake pop mold, or a cookie scoop. Set on a plate to dry. If necessary, pack the balls again more tightly. Allow to dry for 12+ hours before using.

To use, simply place a bomb near your feet under warm running water and enjoy the aromatic experience!

Suggested essential oil additions:
  • Morning Fresh Shower Bombs: Add 30 drops of Eucalyptus Radiata Essential Oil to a batch for an invigorating and fresh aromatic experience.
  • Orchard Stroll Shower Bombs: For a sweet, refreshing aromatic journey, add 30 drops of Citrus Fresh™ Oil to a batch.
  • Day’s End Shower Bombs: Add 30 drops of Lavender Essential Oil to a batch to enjoy a relaxing aromatic addition to your shower time.

Would you like to experience the full package of a Spa Day? Then follow us in this journey of a 6 steps to a DIY spa day and learn how to make these amazing DIY geode bath bombs.


Which Young Living essential oils will you add to your shower bombs? Let us know in the comments!

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  • I made mine in silicone molds! I mixed Lavender, Stress Away, and Frankincense :) can't wait to use them!

  • This is what I did, and it made it so much easier.
    I mixed everything according to the directions, except that I made a half batch. I added Eucalyptus Radiata oil to mine, and I spooned all of the mixture into a 24-space mini muffin tin, pressing tightly. Once I had all the spaces filled and pressed tightly, I took half of them out, flipped them over, and pressed them into the other half. So I combined two, packing them tightly again. So the half batch made 12 bombs. Now I'm going to make another half batch in a different scent. In the end I'll have 24 bombs the size of a mini muffin. Packing it tightly into a muffin tin is way easier than trying to make a ball. And once they are dry, you can stack and wrap them.

    • Hi Rob, This Shower Bomb DIY is not currently available as a PDF or an infographic, but thanks for the great suggestion for future posts! Thanks for stopping by!

  • Just made these and I made some in molds, but they were small so I had extra. Made the balls but then I put them in parchment paper cups in a muffin tin and they expanded adorably and wanted to share since it was low-mess and cute presentation. I did use the witch hazel instead of water and found they dried nicely.

  • I have been invited by a Young Living member to also become a member and I will be taking the plunge on Jan 3rd! I must say I can't wait to see how your oils work for me!
    At a YL party I recently attended, I won a free gift; a Lavender & mint infused lip balm! I am in love with this balm! I will be trying my hand at making these shower bombs as well very soon!:0)

    • Welcome Donna! You won't be disappointed! Do you happen to have the recipe for the lip balm? Sounds wonderful!

    • Hi Chris, It sounds like you're doing everything just right. The shower bombs usually continue to expand as they dry, so that is why it is important to pack and repack them tightly before placing into the mold. We hope this information helps!

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