Categories: Essential Oils

A timeless tale of Frankincense

Where it all began

Our story begins with the Boswellia tree. Whether you’re walking among the limestone cliffs of Oman or the rocky plains of Somalia, you’re sure to come across a frankincense-giving tree. Sacred Frankincense™ essential oil is derived from the sap of the Boswellia sacra in Oman, and Frankincense essential oil comes from the Boswellia carterii in Somalia—both trees spindly, ethereal, and wild in their own right.
The Boswellia tree can grow with little to no soil, blooms with white or pale rose-colored flowers, and has bark that feels like the pages of a storybook. These trees adapt to thrive on steep slopes and ravines where they produce enough gum resin for harvesting.

From roots to riches

Like all good things, the creation of gum resin takes time. Once the bark has been gently cut back to let the sap exude and harden (a two- to three-month process), the sap is harvested and ready for steam distillation. Today we treasure the essential oil that is produced from the resin, but in ancient times, the resin was given as a gift and burned to purify the air. It’s no wonder the name is a derivative of the French words franc encens, meaning “high-quality incense.”
Frankincense has roots that run deeper than being a treasured gift. Frankincense was used by Hebrews and Christians nearly 2,000 years ago in religious ceremonies, making the demand for frankincense so high that it quickly become one of the most sought-after trade items in the world.

A journey across the world

With increased popularity, frankincense found a place in homes around the globe. Passed through traders and travelers, royals and rulers, this precious commodity made its way from place to place by sea and caravan. And its popularity is no wonder when you catch a trace of its scent. Honeyed, rich, and balsamic, Frankincense oils will have you swept away to serenity in no time. Combine with Bergamot and Ylang Ylang for a distinctive, sweet, grounding smell.

Want to tone down the sweetness? Switch out Sacred Frankincense for Frankincense!

More valuable than gold

As word traveled, frankincense became known for its adaptability and powerhouse properties. The true tales of the power of frankincense spread so far and wide that legend says that planting the Boswellia tree could ensure protection from dragons. While dragons are a thing of fairytales, it’s no fable to say that frankincense was considered more valuable than gold.

A gift for all

It’s not true that all good things come to an end. It has been thousands of years, but frankincense is still a household name. Why? Because of the skin-supporting, peace-promoting, meditation-motivating essential oil that’s derived from the ancient resin. A small but mighty duo, Frankincense and Sacred Frankincense essential oils have passed through history and time to become a staple in your home.

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  • Hi Mary, Our products have their own unique smell, taste, color, etc. that varies from batch to batch. The variance can be caused by many different factors including time of harvest, amount of sunlight, amount of water, etc. The labels will be updated from time to time, however they are both still from Boswellia Carteri. Thank you for stopping by!

    • Hi Julie, Young Living’s products are intended only for the use listed on individual labels—either for topical/aromatic use or as a dietary supplement. Please always refer to the label for usage directions. Because Young Living’s products are not labeled to be used as drugs, they are not intended for use in the treatment or cure of disease or any abnormal function of the body, including ailments or injuries. Therefore, Young Living cannot provide advice or recommendation for products to address any type of disease, ailment, or injury. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Thank you Paul. I've been using the carteri in place of Cymbalta internally and it is my lifesaver. I ordered Sacra this time and am so happy to see your post! I have Fibromialgia. Cymbalta was killing me. 4 months Cymbalta free and I feel a live again :).

    • How was Cymbalta killing you? I've been on it for years and don't notice any side effects. I've had to reduce dosage recently due to low number of bp being high, and my pain level has increased. How much Frank do you take?

  • Frank is my fav EO! A drop of boswellia sacra in my scriptures & a drop of boswellia carteri in my facial moisturizer every day.

  • I like both now that I know there are two.....the mix of frankincense and myrrh is great as well..

  • I love Sacred Frankincense to breath in every morning . When I get to my spa, I put few drops on top of my head, because we have lots of client coming during the day with different moods, problems, etc. In the evening I love to use my resin burner just for few minutes when I read.

  • The first time I ingested just 2-3 drops of the Sacra under my tongue left me with a profound feeling-since like I was at home within. It was that type of feeling that would make you feel like hugging yourself. Many old memories surfaced and furthered my inward journey and left me with a feeling of comfort and contentment the rest of the evening. I found it very restoring....

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