Moms nurture their kids in every way—mentally, physically, and emotionally. They’re the all-purpose, everyday fixer of problems big and small. From an upset tummy to a broken heart, Dr. Mom™ is there to care, comfort, and cuddle whenever it’s needed.

Whether it’s switching soda for the benefits of NingXia Red® or creating a calm, clean environment with naturally derived Thieves® Household Cleaner, being Dr. Mom means you call the shots on what’s best for your family’s wellness. That’s why we’ve rounded up some of our favorite mom must-haves and kid-safe essential oils to help care for kids from sun up to sun down—and even the time in between.

How do you show love to the children you care for?

Tell us in the comments below!

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  • I use kids shampoo, bath wash and lotion for my baby. For her asthma I massage her back with oils blend: lavender, frankincense and geranium! Diffuse peace and calm or oola family in the living room!

  • I like to share the oils with my middle school students. We learn the names and the healing properties of the oils as we send a new oil around the class. It is amazing to see how this brief time of interaction can inspire and unite a whole class of very diverse personalities.

  • For a number of the oils above, you mention to add it your laundry....What is the best way to add oils to your laundry?

    • Hi Laurie, When adding essential oils to laundry, we recommend using 2-3 drops. Thanks for stopping by!

  • I diffuse 2 drops lavender every night in his room. Sometimes we add frankincense or stress away to change it up a bit! He has the YL Dino diffuser and he adores it!!! He sleeps so well every night since we started this!

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