Categories: Essential Oils

21 Signs You’re Obsessed with Essential Oils

It’s an easy decision to start using and sharing Young Living essential oils. The positive benefits of essential oils can help not only you but your entire social circle. But be warned: Once you start, it’s almost impossible to go back.

Here are 21 signs that you are obsessed with essential oils.

1. You’re pretty sure the answer to every problem is Thieves®.

2. Your whole family and circle of friends now use oils (except for that one uncle).

3. You use essential oils on your kids . . . and your neighbors’ kids.

4. You use essential oils on your pets . . . and your neighbors’ pets.

5. Preparing your bath feels a bit like Macbeth: “Double, double, no more toil or trouble, I’m using Harmony™!”

6. You can’t wind down at night without diffusing your Lavender. Non-negotiable.

7. You diffuse Peace & Calming® in your minivan to fight the chaos of carpool.

8. You believe that people who “don’t believe” in essential oils just haven’t tried them yet.

9. Everything in your house smells like Citrus Fresh™.

10. For every situation, you start saying, “There’s an oil for that!”

11. You can’t get out of bed until you diffuse your Lemon each morning.

12. You try and stay below the household budget so you can buy more oils.

13. You’ve used oils to make your own shampoo, deodorant, and toothpaste.

14. When people ask what perfume you’re wearing, you proudly tell them about each of the oils and their benefits.

15. Forget spirit animals—you’re an oil through and through, and it’s Thieves®

16. You can’t use “ordinary” cosmetics because your skin looks better using an oils beauty regimen.

17. You keep emergency oils in your purse, your backpack, your desk, and your car.

18. You have at least seven bottles of your favorite oil, just in case.

19. Your Pinterest board for essential oils is overflowing with pins (but still compliant).

20. When your neighbor is grumpy about your invitations to use essential oils, you suggest an essential oil for his grouchy mood.

21. You have a special cupboard just for your oils, categorized by essential oils for emotions, essential oils for physical health, and essential oils for motivation. They might just be color coded, too.

If you embody the EO-obsessed fanatic described here, you might also like our Personality Quiz: What’s Your Spirit Oil? And check out our 6 Essential Oils Your Skin Loves for your essential oil-obsessed skin!

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  • Less than a year ago, my daughter had me attend "oils 101" class. About a week later, I signed up.
    Now, I can't imagine not being part of this wonderful company.
    When my young grandchildren are here, which is all the time, and if they get hurt,
    they ask to be oiled.
    My husband says I should get a tin man t-shirt that says "oil me". LOL
    Yes, I have a Young Living oil addiction, and I will not go to therapy!

  • It's impossible to name a "favorite" because they are all favorites - and I want one of each on hand at all times! ADDICTED!

  • Number 21 ... just one cupboard??? err I must have a serious problem - mine are stored all over the house, bag, car, desk at work . #22 all gift for friends are oils or 'make by own' spritz, blend, bath salts :-)

  • Today I made a room and fabric freshener using Geranium oil. I feel happy about using Geranium, which is also useful for skincare. That essential oil literally lifts my mood every time I inhale straight from the bottle or diffuse some. I love working with Young Living for my own wellness, and who knows? When the time is right I might actually create a business for myself as my body heals from traumatic events in recent years. I admire and respect the Young's and wish them continued success on every level as they promote wellness, peace and prosperity for all working with Young Living Essential Oils. Blessings!

  • #22. You have so many oils from all the ER freebies that you probably won't consume them all in your lifetime
    #23 you have oils and diffusers in just about every room of your house

    Love my oils! Don't go anywhere without them.

  • Definitely addicted to my oils...check my back pack every day before heading out to work....oils, iphone and water....wake up hit the diffuse button, blue cypress and sacred frankincense all over my head, valor on my feet, joy on my heart, abundance and ylang ylang....think i'm ready to go...lemon, grapefruit or lime in my water all day...stress away splashed all over on not so good days!...home...lavender and clary sage for a good night sleep...and all my other lovely oils for all the other stuff :)

  • I carry stress away with me at all times. I get up out of bed if I forgot an oil for night time. Can't seem to live without them. May need to get a second job . :D

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