We’ve increased PV on many of our products to enhance your earnings. Check out the good news now!
We’ve increased PV on many of our products, to enhance your earnings.
Over the last few months, many leaders have requested an increase in the PV of our products.
We truly understand how crucial this is, as it directly affects what you earn and the overall growth of Young Living.
We took time to carefully review each product to understand how any changes would impact on your earnings and the overall business.
Great News
From November 1, 2023, we are increasing the PV for dozens of our products. On average the increase will be about 4%, but the range of % increases is from 1 to 13% depending on the product.
Many of these products where we are increasing PV are our best sellers, so this change will be a great addition to your earnings.
Just to clarify, we are not raising our prices, only the PV will increase, to help you.
We will continue working on our PV strategy next year, to make being part of our community ever more appealing.
Thank You!
Thank you for being a crucial part of our global YL family. Let’s continue to grow together!